Monday, 25 June 2007

A good week for the 7"

7"s. Love them or hate them (note: a person's position in this debate is largely dependent on their ownership of a record player) there's no denying the fact that more and more bands are releasing them - Generally as a hype building exercise by smaller bands (there's only 8 of them made, buy now! buy now!). Having just bought a turntable I am naturally all for the bastards. To which end:

Farnfarlo - Fire Escape.
A great little single, I'm sure you can imagine how it sounds if I give you the phrases "mildly Sweedish", "indie pop", "faintly melancholy yet somehow uplifting" and "the odd trumpet". A more polished affair than the piano and scruffy drums of previous single 'Talking Backwards" it's certainly a nice little tune. To borrow a phrase: 'One to do your homework to'.

The Indelicates - Julia, we don't live in the 60's.
The Indelicates play a weird form of hate-pop - full of lovely melodies that come up and offer you a drink and lyrics that glass you in the face with it. Speeded up considerably from the demo it's killer pop with an ace keyboard/whistling line throughout and cutting lyrics like "and people die when towers fall, I'm sorry but I hardly even care at all". Top marks too for the video, which features Eddie and Jasper from Art Brut, along with the band and gaggle of followers marching around with placards bearing such slogans as "It's Fine", "the grass is green enough" and "Slight improvement - Soonish". For the darker side of the indelicates I highly reccomend tracking down previous 7" 'We Hate the Kids' out on Sad Gnome records (link below).

Links; (copy + paste)

Fanfarlo Videos:
Fire Escape -
Talk Backwards -

Sad Gnome Records -

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